Will all games eventually make a profit?

I am posting this as an outcome of benevolent meditation on your post,

which I have honored by careful reading, and trying to understand where you're at.

I am posting the following as a word of wisdom, that you may not like to hear.

But I am not doing this out of an ill will, contrary, out of good will to provide perspective, and reality check.

The answer is probably, to change your purpose. And to re-evaluate how true what you believe really is, before getting into a more troublesome situation.

Fear breeds uncertainty.

But confidence can breed arrogance.

And sometimes, you just have to believe.

Choose a mechanical approach, just make it, and see what happens.

But think this. If you make a game you loved making, and it did not turn a profit, it would disappoint you.

So you're saying that the purpose you are making a game is to make money, and not to make a game.

Hmm, see a problem with this thinking?

I guarantee you, if you develop a love for the craft of making the game, finances will not be that much of a problem.

What's worse, would be to make just about any game that makes money and make money with it. Which appears to be your goal. Believe me, being in that situation, would not be any less disappointing, than in one where you are making a good game that turns no profit. I think you know this. And this is exactly what's creating doubt.

It appears what you are going through is a problem of multiple paradoxes.

You seem to be pretty confident that if your game makes money, it will be a success. And the key to that success, is making a game a certain way, that will indeed guarantee the profits. But is this true? Are any other of your assumptions true? How do you know, without having achieved the goal in the first place?

I do believe that you are actually touching upon a very important subject, that many of us struggle with. So, this is a very valid question.

But I do have a small solution,

  1. Set a small goal, like a puzzle game.
  2. Limit your vision to 3 simple levels.
  3. Release the game for free.

In other words, do everything contrary to what instills doubt.

By ruminating on fears, you're only increase chances of a self-fulfilling prophesy to take place.

A free game, is a guaranteed success. And it lessens your burden of having to make it amazing. It's hard to find bad things in a free game, unless it's really that bad. Secondly, you can use it as an opportunity to gain followers, or subscribers, by offering a simple email form, for example. Next time, you will have an audience.

Don't limit yourself, actually start doing something, anything... and I wish you well on your path.

Hope this helps, in any way.

/r/gamedev Thread