Will America's billionaires start a second Civil War to protect their wealth and power?

I understand that some billionaires are terrible to their employees and whatnot, but In general I hate this anti-billionaire attitude. Look at any one American billionaire and there is an extremely good chance that they got that rich because they provide very many people with great products that they love and use. Like Bill Gates with microsoft programs and xbox, warren buffet who invests in many different companies thus supporting the economy, Elon musk who is making solar panels and electric cars much more popular, and even jeff bezos who helps us get products to our houses very quickly and very inexpensively and gives us good movie and music streaming services. People get rich for a reason. Whether they are greedy or not, they are most likely giving us good products and services and when they give good services and products to millions of people and when they employ hundreds of thousands of people, it makes sense that they are rich and I'm fine with it.

/r/Futurology Thread Link - salon.com