Will Art - Computer Animation and Game Art Major program require portfolio review?

Because that specific degree and major are new for the 2021/2022 catalog year, you should contact the program coordinator directly. You may find it helpful to review his bio in detail.

Your question about portfolios seems to be answered here: Department of Visual Arts FAQs, but the coordinator is the best source for details.

Warning from the roadmap: "The BFA in Art can be completed in four years, but to do so requires careful planning and preparation. You must average 17 units per semester and you must plan ahead so that you will meet all prerequisites. You can opt to complete some courses in the summer or winter session."

Real world translation: FAT CHANCE of actually graduating in 4 years. Don't maintain unrealistic expectations of completing in 4 years for your daughter. It's still a hell of a lot cheaper than going to Cal Arts or USC, and no bribery will be required, for a highly rated program.

Animation Career Review's Top 40 Public Animation Schools and Colleges in the U.S. – 2021 College Rankings

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