Do you think you will ever stop taking RC's?

I started taking RC's a month ago and I've retired today for the most part. I was losing control quick. My baseline mood and dopamine is generally low, so anything that stimulates me I can't get enough of.

3 FPM was great, it felt like adderall to me. I've been diagnosed with ADHD and it took all of the symptoms away. I didn't even order this stuff, the vendor just included it as a bonus and after trying it once, I ended up ordering a bunch of it and starting my stim addiction up again. RIP 6 months sobriety. I got a lot of shit done on my Steam account though.........

Etizolam is the first euphoric benzo I've ever used, and it's fucked up my whole perception of time for the month. I'm going through some depression and it felt great having heavy doses of this stuff before sleeping all day.

/r/researchchemicals Thread