I will graduate in about 3 semesters with a B.S of Applied Math and Statistics degree and I'm VERY worried about job prospects following graduation.

Personal experience from july 2018 graduate here.

Your CV and resume is mostly useless unless you have top brand like microsoft or google in it. Whatever you do, you still count as an entry level.

Best bet is to keep searching for jobs and just apply any random jobs that title kind of matches what you are okay with, not just what you want to be.

Also, unless given offer, don't let multiple rounds of interview make you relaxed. Just count an interview the same as no response, this way you wont be disappointed by how much of a bs job search process is.

Also, faking your resume might help a lot as long as you can perform and have the knowledge of what you have in resume.

I mean...having electrical development internship in google japan doesnt sound like something you're not capable of and yet employer can't track it. You can then come with your project which none of your employer can know. I mean, just try borrowing a company name for a job you do.

This is super shady move but hey when you're desperate and the environment doesn't seem to appreciate honesty and skill over asslicking why not just try?

/r/jobs Thread