Will housing ever slow down?

the media really does a good job here. as a tech ceo who loves to code, i think it's obvious how over-hyped AI is. AI on the intel chip stack won't ever replace a human. I'll use your lawyer example.


When you look lawyers, and their role within a corporate entity, it varies so much. Everything is on a case by case basis, with a lot of back and forth negotiations, that usually involves so many other parts of the company like finance, sales, operations, pm, scheduling, etc.

You can use AI to bring the pieces together, but you're always going to want and need the personal tough of a lawyer. Plus, a lot of the areas people are trying to apply AI to, don't even make sense. Like therapy...or dating....like people are so dumb. Even they wouldn't use their own product, that's how you know it's bad.


I think tech is going to correct soon, and I'm ready to pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar.

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