I will join Reddit's campaign for Net-Neutrality when I see a post from The_Donald on the front page again.

"something something free market".

That's the whole point, shill. Free market. Government fucks up pretty much everything they get involved into. The only reason USA is the most successful country in the world, it is because it had the least intrusive government in the world. It had.

"I've already traveled to several developing countries"

Name those countries you "traveled" to, so we can check your statements, rebuke them if false, and come up with counter examples. In Romania, in a major city, for instance, internets is 10 bucks for 1Gb. Yeap. Up and down, and they don't care what you do with it.

"The US telecoms like Comcast and AT&T are the most disgustingly anti-consumer companies I've ever dealt with: the fees, the constant billing mistakes, price gouging, unfair contracts are all they know to do"

There are already laws against that, which, like many laws, 0bama refused to enforce, and instead used these reasons to justify to people like you the government power grab. And these companies got so shitty because they were in cahoots with the government.

"Leaving them in control of things is going to be a disaster."

Certainly not greater than what government can do if given total control.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent