Will you have kids?

Yes. We got married to start a family and I have always wanted kids. I think people should be happy with a choice not to have kids too, too much pressure out there to have kids ADHD or not.

Both me and my husband have recently been diagnosed with ADHD . We have 3 children very close in age (I think I might have had more of an age gap if I knew we had ADHd, but they are great friends).

I think knowing we both had ADHD before we started our family would have helped. Everyone tells me how incredible the children are, and how proud we should be - they are great kids (all with ADHD traits they currently manage with exercise, talking about emotions, and healthy eating, we are also open with our adhd diagnosis and talk through problems comparing them with our struggles) .

Since diagnosis I have realised I was devoting too much time to them at the expense of myself. My job now is to manage how to be a good mum and look after myself and my own needs as well as theirs. Our married relationship has been extreme highs and extreme lows. The kids have definitely caused more stress, A&E visits , general family life but to me they are worth the hard work.

/r/ADHD Thread