This will be my last many people behind the scenes make sure good things are happening for snow? Who do u think works the extra hours? Security, venue, her team..sure, while people r paid to be there, who in their right mind would want to be treated like this? Tbc below.

I bring up Amy only to say this. People believe this is for a clout chase for money or that this is hate. It’s not hate. I have a lot of anger towards her yes, but never hate. It’s hurt beneath all of it and it’s hard to live with some of those memories. I forgive her for a lot even as she continues to deny things and make songs about how we all did her wrong. We were 20’s and 30 something’s trying to scale a business that was doubling and tripling every year. What I’ve had a hard time processing is that I was made to believe the abuse whether verbally or the times I was physically assaulted by either her or juju was my fault. I’ve been talked to how she’s talking to this sound man in this video. I’m not here to say I did everything perfect but I spoke up to her for years before I ever put anything on the internet. She had one show where I got a call from our mutual friend, and she asked me how I could let her go on stage like that as her tour manager. I’ll never know if I should have stepped in that night or not

/r/SnowThaProduct Thread Link -