They will never understand

Because I didn't say no one wants free stuff. Do most people, yes. Is that why we're all here? No.

I'd bet my house that the people using this argument are 9/10 also full of shit and that their torrents look the exact same as everyone else's save for one or two niche ones that they use to justify it.

Not if the last copy of it is lost to DRM.

But again, so what? That doesn't mean you should have it just because it's going to be lost. Paintings are destroyed every day, music is lost forever every day. You know what else happens every day? People paint new pictures and write new music.

Yes. You do understand that if the works weren't preserved and/or reproduced, the people that own the rights to them wouldn't be able to make them publicly available, yeah?

Again, so? That's their property, not yours, if you feel this passionate about it, go work in a museum.

Private collections don't exist without something in them. Note that I never said that cinema should share that movie for free.

Of course they don't, private individuals, choose to sell them. At no point should what you want be considered in that equation.

I've never played Tron Evolution, I just don't think it should be up to me to decide what is worth preserving what isn't. I say we preserve everything and let the future decide what is worthy of experiencing.

So if I write a book, you just think you should have the right to keep a copy to give away? Are you 12?

I'm not here to convince you that my opinion is right, just that it exists. The fact that you're arguing against it means you must believe that, so I achieved my goal.

Thats some very broken logic.

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