They WILL regret ending it IF

3 years ago I met the girl of my dreams, the girl that made every other relationship Ive had that I thought was great, pale in comparison. The kind of girl that made any hurt I had ever experienced completely go away. I fell in love with her almost immediately and so did she with me. It was incredible, I've never been so in sync with someone, or so absolutely in love with someone. I moved to LA with her to pursue her career 2 years ago, and it was the easiest thing I'd ever done, no hesitation, just following the girl of my dreams and woman I wanted to marry. But over time it started getting to me that I had dropped everything I had in NorCal and didn't really have a direction of my own, I told her what I was feeling, and that I thought I needed to move back to NorCal briefly to get myself back on track. I was gonna visit every two weeks for a while week, and she was gonna visit me, that way we wouldn't be apart for very long at any time, until I was able to come back. A week after I last saw her, she said she couldn't do long distance with out knowing how long it may take for me to be up here, and that she needed to work on herself a bit, so she broke up with me. I'm not mad at her, she if she needs to work on herself I understand, but it also makes me feel like her love for me couldn't have been as strong as she portrayed... That was just about two months ago, she drove up to her parents yesterday and later today I am meeting her to pick up the last of my things... Part of me has been so excited just to see her, to be able to say goodbye in person, and maybe give her one last hug and remember how she smells and feels. But part of me is absolutely terrified, that the small amount of healing I've been able to do is going to be washed away today. The weeks leading up to today, knowing I would get to see her have made me happy in a way, but now that it's almost here, I realize this might be the very last time I ever see her, and that scares the hell out of me. It's been really great reading everyone else's stories here tho, makes me feel less alone.

/r/BreakUps Thread