Will tackle for food

Interested in Getting Paid to PVP?

Our Alliance Rewards Pilots Who PVP Regularly: - 100% Doctrine SRP, Battleships and Caps are minus Insurance Payout. - At Least 30m ISK Payout Per Coalition Fleet. - Bounty Rewards For Local Kills i.e. kill something in our local area as solo/small gang/gatecamp/patrol and we pay out the value of what was detroyed divided by how many dudes were on the kill.

As for content, we run a patrol of the local area (solo/small gang) and also join Phoenix Federation’s (NBSI) CTAs and StratOps. With 3 systems for ourselves and our friends’ exclusive use, there’s plenty of ratting/mining etc. In fact, we’ve a full Indy Wing which enjoys tax-free facilities for everything up to SuperCap construction. Oh yeah, 0 taxes on everything.

The alliance and this corp, Dead Suns Rising, are run by a posse of bittervets who’ve seen some BS and recently decided to get the heck away from other people’s drama by making their own alliance within PFed. Although we’re organized along a military/corporate structure - most pilots don’t have to deal with much besides pvp and ops.

Some basics: We’re out in PFed space, Immensea region to be specific. If we’re undocked, online for more than just a few minutes, we’re on comms. No exceptions. TS for alliance/local content/Mumble for coalition ops. We use Discord, you only really need to pay any attn to a couple channels. Feel free to mute the rest.

We’re looking for mature pilots who won’t just go AFG after a couple of weeks - though RL does indeed come first. We don’t fly with obnoxious jackasses/chodes. PVP pilots who’ve got an industry alt or two are a definite plus. Outside of PVP we maintain a very low profile.

Feel free to hit me up if interested, if not - Fly Safe o7

/r/evejobs Thread