'We will turn on him so quick': Rust Belt voters who put faith in Trump expect results

Approval rating? Hahaha.

I can do the same thing to your entire post. I can say the same thing to my doctor if he diagnosis me with cancer. Like that doesn't just hush away things.

3 million Ca votes.

This is such a stupid argument. California has the largest economy in the country and the most people. They contribute most to the economy. Their votes should be worth double Alabama's.

Scandals aren't HuffPo fanfic.

They aren't. Trump was sued for Trump University for scamming people, he's scoffing over a foreign hostile nation influencing our election, he is being sued by someone from his own TV show he likely sexual assaulted. There's audio of him laughing about sexually assaulting women. He made fun of a disabled reporter, he scoffed that some of his supporters may use the 2nd ammendment to fight Hillary had she won, he threatened to break international law by 'going after terrorists families' the list goes on and on and on.

I love that you're willing to admit you already dream of impeachment despite the man not being sworn in. Shows who you root for. I'm an American, and proud of my country.

You really shouldn't be. The man has lied to your face for the last few months and you don't seem to have either understood or cared, probably the former. The man doesn't get a clean slate on Jan. 21st. Nobody that makes fun of someone disabled for being disabled deserves any sort of respect.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca