We will be updating to a trial version of the CSS Overhaul today, use this thread discuss what you like, what you don't, what you want to see added, and what you want to have reverted back! We need your feedback!

Advertising is insidious and creepy? Are you joking?

Uhhh... no? Friend, I'm confused by your "damn" tone... overall, you're doing an awesome job! But are we not allowed to hate advertising, is this an unusual stance to you?

This competition wouldn’t be able to happen without Coverfly and WriterDuet.

Literally what couldn't we do? People write scripts, volunteer judges read them, we've done it before many times... Is it just the prizes? If so, were we ever offered the real choice between foregoing them and staying advertising free? Can we do it now or is it too late?

The least we can do is show our gratitude by putting up a damn picture.

Uh, how about no? I'm not grateful at all!

Frankly, the whole...

"Isn't it amazing, Pitchfest WriterDuet Coverfly WriterDuet Coverfly Pitchfesssst WriterrrrrDuet Covvvverfly!!!"...

...feel of the recent competitions literally made me avoid them. I never said anything as it didn't seem a "thing" yet, but now it does...

The old mods had a ShoreScripts banner and sidebar image up for a long time,

As above. "Two wrongs..."

20 bucks ... This is great, but the whole point not is to stay away from monetary prizes.

I'd argue the "whole point" is to write and maybe have some fun ;)

If the prizes are wanted (and imho they shouldn't be, at least not as a primary motivator), use my money to buy them, and poof, no more "gratitude" needed... Just a suggestion!

/r/Screenwriting Thread Parent