Windows is taking space..

The biggest issue in the apple computer world and the enterprise is there STILL isn't a really functional and feature rich infrastructure to support, manage, install apple computers. Yeah, you can sort of manage them within the Windows back-end environment (SCCM), but it's kludgy at best.

In the Windows world, you can install an OS (image) from the network, update security and software, set very granular permissions, backup every tiny piece of data you want to backup, have a very granular and detailed hardware and software inventory at your fingertips. Everything. It's ALL there and working. Tried and true. Apple? Nope. Literally doesn't exist, not with the same in-depth functionality that exists in the windows world.

Then realize if you have a working windows endpoint managemeng infrastructure in place, to manage some apple computers means shoe horning them into your windows environment, they scripting and buying little addons and secondary servers for all the tiny shit you can't do with apple computers, then some things just can't be done. Period. Want to manage device encryption from a centralized server? Windows = GOOD TO GO. Apple = 3rd party solution. The list goes on and on and on.

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