Winston-Salem State player Najee Ali Baker shot and killed at a party

Where does this fantasy come from that only responsible gun owners qualify for CCWs? At least in my state they give those things out like fucking candy.

I've known plenty of people who qualified for CCWs no problem and still brought guns to parties, left loaded guns unattended near children, did all kinds of irresponsible shit with them. I knew a guy who went pretty much everywhere with a pistol he kept chambered, unsafetied, and half-cocked, tucked into his waistband. One day a bunch of us were hanging out when he picked up his daughter and twirled her around, and the gun went flying out of his pants and bounced around on the ground among everyone.

I've seen this sentiment a lot from gun-owners before. This concept that the only people legally walking around with guns are ones who are responsible enough actually be walking around with guns. But it's frankly like assuming that everyone on the road is a responsible driver, or they wouldn't have been able to get a license in the first place.

There's absolute no reason at all to believe that just because someone was an idiot with a gun, that they didn't have every legal right to be carrying that gun. Plenty of idiots out there with carry permits just like there are plenty of unsafe idiots out on the road with driver's licenses.

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