[WIP] Last Update of the world map of Mimar. I have placed all the places of interest just have to do the Labels! Tell me what you think!

Thank you for your concerns everyone!

I want to clear up some things here. Yes it might a bit rude not to credit your inspiration, but this is not required. The author of the inspiration allows for the work to be used, modified and used in all sorts of things without the need for giving credit. In the same way you don't have to credit Google for their work on Google Maps if you used a map of Earth in your work.

That being said we have been able to follow the creation of /u/AlTheArchitect and he has added his own twist and creativity which adds value and makes it his own work in a way.

I want to emphasize that we appreciate it if everyone gives credits where credits are due and it is only fair to do so.

That's all I have to say about this discussion, and hope we can close this discussion and just focus on someone's work here, which is inspired by the work mentioned earlier. No need for hard feelings towards eachother.

Let me know if you have any questions.

/r/wonderdraft Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it