I wish we could help the other characters get into relationships after we find our partners

If we could choose or encourage which of those relationships happen, yeah. Most of the "canon implied" relationships are hot garbage though.

If I could help Sam and Sebastian or Penny and Maru get together, yeah sure I'd love to, but the game gives me only "best friend" stuff with them. If had to watch Sebastian and Abigail or Leah and Elliott get together, noooo thanks, it's bleh enough to sit through the little hints in existing content.

Possibly this is why Ape hasn't done anything with that? He knows people will love or hate these extra couples, and to avoid having to either make everyone shippable with everyone, or hearing endless complains from everyone that their waifu/husbando is dating that one NPC you hate, he just skipped this dynamic altogether.

/r/StardewValley Thread