I wish to debate

Yes we see them as different but we will still Define them both as senators and we will still Define any sexual act as sex, there are certain connotations that come along with sharing a base. Futhermore just because I know them as different does not mean that they do not share a commonality. A soldier will go to war with another country that also has soldiers, both are fighting for different reasons, both believe in different things, but they both believe that the other is wrong and share the commonality of that.

You seem to have missed the most important part of my comment, while still asking for change, meaning that you have already reached the limits of the political and legal action that can be taken. It is perfectly fine to challenge the ideas that people have but to ask nay require change in people even though all limits have been reached legally and politically is to then try to control their thoughts or "thought policing."

Yes I am now narrowing it down because I am speaking of a specific issue and when you are speaking of a specific issue you need to narrow the playing field otherwise technically speaking while I am standing here arguing that men and women have unequal advantages in our court system you could be arguing that the balance of powers in our Senate caused such issues. It is not bad to specify, we exist in society where the phrase "the devil is in the details" is commonplace for a reason as I'm sure you know it means that we need to look at everything closely in order to find all issues with the thing we are looking at.

America is a single culture, it is a culture of many cultures all gathered together in a peaceful manner. To attempt to separate the mixture of cultures that we have attained here is racist it is the definition of segregation. And from the way you have worded it certainly seems like you are saying we are a bunch of separate cultures come together when we are one mixed culture, for if we are not one mixed culture we are separate but equal and that would quickly turn into an orwellian nightmare where one of us would step forward and say, yes but I am more equal.

As for why I do not believe America is a rape culture allow me to cite the dictionary definition as you have,

rape cul·ture


a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse.

America has not normalized rape as we see rapists as abhorrent people, we see them as evil or perhaps that they are mentally unhinged, in short we do not see them as normal, and because we do not agree with their actions of rape we place them into prisons. And America definitely does not trivialize rape it is one of the biggest and most heavy topics we have ever had, just the accusation of someone being a rapist can ruin their lives, let alone actually being convicted. We even look down on people who observe sexuality in what we believe to be an inappropriate manner by labeling them "perverts" now just to be clear I am not a rape apologist, I believe rapists all deserve to be placed in prison immediately and that perverts should show some self-restraint.

Now from a statistical standpoint I can understand the misconception that America is a rape culture, but this is due to misleading facts, bending the truth. the most prevalent statistic I always hear when arguing about this is the college campus statistic that one in four or one in five women will be raped on campus. That's the tistic comes from a study done in, I believe, 2009 where they observed One Singular college campus for an extremely short period of time and included:

Rape cases found guilty or not

Consenting sexual intercourse while drunk

any form of non-consensual touching whilst wearing clothes (which is sexual abuse but not rape)

And some other thing that I can't seem to recall and I can't seem to find the study but again it was not legitimate rape

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