I wish I didn’t have emotions

Yeah, I barely have emotions because I can’t comprehend them. I used to have them but I locked myself in a dark room for a while(1-2 years) worth of just thinking. But on the bright side I got incredibly more intelligent. On the “dark” side for some reason I developed sadism and developed a love for thighs(used to prefer ass). I also became extremely introverted because i’m always in my own head thinking of many different things. I also became very nihilistic and totally dropped religion(used to be Christian). I developed a hate for people, I have plans that I can’t execute because I don’t yet have the charisma and confidence. Anyways I got into psychology and lost all sense of empathy, in other words I do not care about other people feelings, more like I care of what they think of me. I developed a love for blood and for some reason I really really love eyes. The thought of killing has peaked my interest and is part of the reason I want to join the military so I can try to get first hand experience of what death feels like. Well I’m done, I don’t know why I said this, I’m tried so I may regret it later. But please don’t mind if it’s edgy because may I remind you it’s fairly late and I’m tired.

/r/INTP Thread