I wish every girl I currently find attractive suddenly finds me equally as attractive as I find them.

Granted. You are a reasonably attractive man in his mid twenties as it is but now the whole world of women is at your fingertips. You have your share of parties and lots of sex with the hottest of hotties.

Then at the relatively young age of 27 during a wild romp involving cocaine and sex you have a stroke. The stroke renders your optic nerve useless. You are now blind.

You go through a few women who are still willing to get with a blind man, well at least those whose faces you still remember but there are less and less of these over the years.

As for anyone new - you have no idea what they look like. You have based your whole life on physical appearance and never learned to find beauty in others in other ways - now you just don't know. The same thing happens over and over again. Blind date after blind date: "I really don't know if I am attracted to you." Even with the blind girls.

/r/TheMonkeysPaw Thread