Do you have a “I wish I never started using drugs / drinking” story? What happened?

I was at a party that mainly consisted of my roommate's hockey team. Those guys were fucking dope and we were taking shots like crazy. I was feeling pretty drunk and then someone brought out the weed. I took a few too many hits from the blunt and started tweaking hard. I very stupidly drove to my parent's house (only a block away) and hung out with my mom. She knew I was freaking out, so she put on some Netflix and got me some peppercorns. I guess eating very spicy stuff makes you focus more on the pain and brings you down from the high. My stepdad took me home after I came down.

Also, there was the night that I drank on my anti-depressants and wound up in the hospital. For some reason, my body temp just dropped like crazy and they had to give me a heating blanket and some IV Benadryl to help me with the nausea. Yeah, I thought for sure I was going to die that night.

I still drink and smoke weed, but now it's in moderation. If there are any kids reading, it's not fun having your mom tell you how disappointed she is in you. Or to have your step-dad ask you to move back in to get away from a toxic environment. Or to end up alone in the ER drunk off your ass. Drugs and alcohol are fun but don't push your limits. I've literally seen someone have a seizure from drinking too much.

/r/AskReddit Thread