I wish I was seen as normal

I know it’s hard, and it’s something I struggle with often. I try my hardest to be confident in my body but I know deep down that plenty of people judge me first for my body. I think I’m beautiful and I have plenty of men who do as well. But there are plenty out there who aren’t into it. I have to remind myself that their opinion on my body has no weight on my worth as a human. Try not to be so hard on yourself and know that you can achieve anything you want to.

One thing I’ve done to become more confident is posting nudes on subreddits that are for plus size women (r/chubby is my go to). I know that’s extreme, but go and look through the posts there and see how beautiful these women are and how many men are there to compliment them. So many different body types that all get so much love.

/r/PlusSize Thread