The Witcher 3 has been disappointing me.

Yeah, TW3 came at a time when I was feeling a lot of open-world fatigue, so I actually skipped it at first. I've tried going back and playing it (I own it on 3 platforms consoles now) but I can never push past Skellige. The open world exploration loop always grows repetitive for me.

Bandit camps, monster nests, guarded treasures, "people in distress" - they all followed a too-smilar structure that sadly always stops engaging me after 20+ hours. I can't just skip exploration either, because I'd be missing out on all the good side-content buried somewhere amongst the rest.

To be fair, I loved the unique side quests that I did experience (Baron questline, the old lady who wants her pan back, etc), & the atmosphere of the world especially, but the rest just wasn't strong enough to pull me through.

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