Witcher 3 dev talks about the "downgrade"

I have to wonder how many times people are going to look at a trailer for a game, take to heart the appearance of the game, wait many months until the games release, see that the trailer was not a 100% accurate reflection of the quality of the game, and then react violently, before these people stop taking trailers to be a truthful representation of what to expect in a game.

Feel free to blame the trailer creators; they are lying to you, to some degree. However, whether this is a result of direct malice, an over-enthusiastic marketing team, or complications resulting from trying to develop for multiple platforms with various hardware setups and limitations, and being uncertain what the expectations are for the final product can be debated, but even so, it doesn't expunge the entirety of responsibility from the folks viewing the trailer to be mindful of the fact that the product is unfinished. Most trailers even include that as a disclaimer. "THIS IS NOT DONE."

That said, after you've been lied to in a similar situation hundreds of times, and you keep believing the lies, whose fault is it really when you believe the next lie?

People are not always honest. Skepticism in moderation is a virtue that will save you a lot of disappointment, and it's much easier to control your reaction to external stimuli than it is to try and regulate the creation of and delivery of those stimuli, because one solution depends on controlling other people, and the other depends on you controlling yourself.

Do you guys still open every email you get promising you fame, riches, and a twelve inch dick? Because I've learned to be skeptical of them.

/r/Games Thread Link - youtube.com