Witches, I could really use your words of advice and encouragement. I’m going into my last year of high school and as a queer person with very liberal views I’m going to struggle with staying under the radar at my super bigoted christian school. They sent this email out to parents today…

I was homeschooled in a very strict conservative environment. Then, after I married my husband at 18, I was able to attend a public school in our very conservative state for 4 months to obtain an actual high school degree. Even though it’s technically a high school diploma I joke about it being my “good enough degree”.

Anyways, I just played the game and didn’t let things bother me. Someone making a weird comment about their love of George Bush. Ok cool, I’m putting my headphones on. Someone talking about religion in any context? Nope not for me! I’m looking away.

I was cordial and kind and kept my head down. Didn’t even attend the graduation ceremony. Moved in silence.

/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy Thread Link - i.redd.it