"With guns you can kill." - Malala Yousafzai [605x363][x-post]

I said the streets because some people consider other forms of education other than school such as ‘street smarts’. (Sorry was digressing).

Yah ummm... I could even further and go say that each teacher gives a different perspective in education in response to you saying that states and countries have different education systems which is true because every professor and teacher gives a unique perspective. But even though people have different teachers, located in different states and sometimes countries (probably not countries), a bachelor’s degree in x is still a bachelor’s degree in x. It really doesn’t matter what the view of the teacher is.

I’m genuinely confused by people not saying what education they want. People chose majors to increase their knowledge in a ‘specific’ area. What kind of do they want? I assume people want an education (for a major or degree in what a person wants to learn).

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