Witty Title

Didn't see the edit til later.

Matt. 16:13-20 This refers to Peter's confession, not Peter himself. We know this because in the original Greek, it is not Peter's name but the actual word for rock used. Either Jesus was making a pun (unlikely) or the Catholics got it wrong.

Matt. 10:1–4 Not sure what this is meant to convey. He called Peter first. Big whoop. Could be any of a number of reasons for that. Not to mention in many translations, he's called at the exact same time as his brother Andrew.

Mark 3:13–19 Again, Peter happens to be listed first.

Ephesians 2:20 Yes, the apostles are the basis of the church. They were technically the first 12 members. Not a pope. This hurts your argument. It's a reference to the Great Commision.

Matthew 16:16 You already listed this in your first passage. It's the proclamation on which the church was founded.

John 21:15-19 This is Jesus forgiving Peter for his betrayal in a way that echos Peter's denial of Christ. He made him an apostle again. Not a pope.

So basically there is no scriptural basis for a pope. The Catholic leadership picked a likely candidate from the 12 and chose him as their first pope. What's more, the structure of the church directly conflicts with the idea of elders and deacons found in 1 Timothy chapter 3. Funny how there were no requirements for a pope listed there either. In fact, outside of a few references to Peter, there's no mention of the actual position whatsoever. No college of cardinals (or cardinals for that matter). Just a bunch of stuff made up later.

Revelation 8:3-4 This references an angel with a censer whose sweet smell joins the prayers of all of God's people. Not a special human.

Revelation 5:8 The only thing I can think of that might refer to saints is 24 elders, but there's so much symbolism at work that it's basically inscrutable. In any case, no listed saints, no indication these are human saints.

Hebrews 12:1 This doesn't even reference saints. Did you actually read these passages before giving them?

Hebrews 7:25 THIS IS LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT JESUS! Nobody disputes that Jesus intercedes for us (except I guess those who don't believe in the trinity but only because it's just a bit more complicated).

1 Timothy 2:1 The church should pray for all people. Yes they should. Not saints.

Ephesians 6:18 See the above two points.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 See above three points.

So either literally everyone is a saint (in which case the entire concept of sainthood in Catholic tradition is meaningless) or you didn't bother to read those passages. Maybe both.

My meme is valid. You've yet to prove your point and frankly I'm a little embarrassed for you.

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