The Wizard of Wessex

"Wessex Hall" at the University of Salamander is actually an isolated circular stone building with a domed stone roof, just large enough to contain a mid-sized auditorium.

It's construction was financed by a bequest from the late Baron Frederick Wessex. Disappointed one season when on safari hunting Goosebears and not finding any sign of them, he reasoned that it would be convenient if there were some way to magically induce a Goosebear, or any other hunted subject, for that matter, to appear on command. He set about arranging to sponsor the development of a Summoning program at the University, which included a dedicated building for the conduct of sorcerous summoning research and development. Sadly, he was savaged to death by a rutting dire-squirrel the following year and didn't live to see its completion, but they did name the building in his honor.

Wessex Hall and the Summoning program at University of Salamander are entirely run by the sole surviving faculty member with substantial summoning experience, Professor Gerald Fletcher.

Professor Fletcher has been working hard to develop and refine a systematized summoning-wizardry method compatible with the generalized wizardry system taught by the rest of the University's various sorcerous studies departments. He has been researching and experimenting on this project for several decades now, and is still alive. Despite being somewhat wrinkled, bald, and grey-bearded, in addition to being a bit scarred here and there, if one sees him walking around the campus it is obvious he is still in an athletic condition. Wiry-muscled and precise in his movements, he routinely wears a form of the standard scholarly wizarding-uniform robes, but embellished with strategically-placed plates of metal and patches of chainmail. His wizarding-staff is unusually long and topped not by the traditional smooth knob, gem, or exotic symbol, but rather what appears to be boar-spear head, which aside from a few alchemical embellishments is precisely what it is - when testing a new summoning-circle design, it is useful to have a backup method for keeping unhappy subject at a safe distance until they can be banished back from where they came.

It is quite likely that this is the most dangerous course of study that University of Salamander offers - aspiring students are actually required to swear binding oaths that the University will be held innocent in any harm that may come to them as a result of participation - and although Wessex Hall has space for at least 50 observers in the elevated seats around the center, there are usually no more than two or three students present for the lectures presented by the Wizard of Wessex.

/r/Worldprompts Thread