Woke is a religion.

Really? Sam Harris thinks race is linked to IQ. That certainly seems like it could harm some people if left unchecked. Ben Shapiro supports undying devotion to Israel no matter what happens to the Palestinians and claims anyone who doesn’t support that is not a real Jew.

Are you one of these people who things words are like physical harm. Is Ben beliefs base don IDW or because of Judaism? oops

But lots of people haven’t been cancelled for questioning wokism. I can name a bunch. How many do I need to name? If getting called names is your best example, then I can show you the far left getting called lots of names.

So wait now words are not harmful? which is it. I'm sure your examples will be soft copouts so no need to bother. Let me guess, Mcconaughey and his plea to all get along is your version of counter woke?

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