Woman accuses police of not taking allegation seriously as she shares 'male harassment' incident

Are you intentionally trying to diminish what happened by describing threatening to have someone beaten up as “exchanging words”?

Less diminishing and more calling it for what it is.

It’s a crime to intimidate someone and threaten to have them beaten up.

Aye, it is. And that is potentially what happened here.

But from what I saw of the video it wasn't *that bad* (he could have threatened to rape her, for example, or even physically assaulted her). Plus, he said some contradictory things (like how he wouldn't harm a woman; obviously don't believe him based on that alone but it does undermine a criminal claim ever so slightly).

There is probably enough to prosecute the bloke there for something, but I don't see it as a given. Plus, in the grand scheme of things it isn't the worst case imaginable.

Following someone, intimidating them and threatening to have them beaten up is a serious crime. I don’t understand how you could think it’s not.

If he had engaged in a campaign of harassment (which, IIRC, requires two or more separate instances) then ok, yea. Or maybe a heavy threat (like rape etc). Or maybe an assault. But, as things stand, it looks like a minor incident to me! And I say that not to excuse the guy, but rather to call it for what it seems to be.

One thing I would add is that, in an ideal world, there should be police resources to deal with this (and my own similar case which resulted in an assault; I always thought they couldn't be assed because I was a male, but this thread has got me re-evaluating!).

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent Link - news.sky.com