Woman Advocates to Allow Babies in the Workplace

I am a hiring manager and this is so on-point. Not only is there the issue of the fact that it’s a fucking baby who can contribute no actual productivity and only detract from it. Additionally her ‘ideal setup’ is either pet-level accommodation, or an in-office daycare. Pet accommodations would not be appropriate since children require more care, and in-office daycares exist, just not at your actual desk. As to the insurance issue, this is where it goes from a big problem, to a gigantic problem, if that child so much as trips the company becomes responsible. I personally believe a mombie like this will pursue it to the fullest extent, when it’s an adult it’s already a money-sucking nightmare. I actually work in a place where it is easier to get a pass for your pet to enter instead of your child for that exact reason. The expenses alone prevent most charities from allowing child volunteers, most workplaces run on profits, which makes it even less feasible to allow children. That’s not even beginning to touch the cost that comes with the loss of employees exposed to children. Due to the weakened immune systems children possess immunocompromised employees cannot be exposed to them. I myself have never had chicken pox. We had an employee bring shingles to work and I couldn’t return until I got clearance because I’d filed the report, same for lice and a million other things, like hand, foot, and mouth disease. I don’t care how talented this woman thinks she is or how impressive her resume is. No employee is worth all of that.

/r/childfree Thread Parent Link - popsugar.com