Woman I have been dating (and having sex with) for 6 months recently revealed to me that she has genital herpes

I dated a man who had this. He ended up being terrible in so many ways (actually, he’d probably describe himself how you describe this woman).

He told me immediately about it. And I will always at least respect him for that.

It’s easy to write this off if you don’t get it/never had any sexual health issues but it’s not to be taken lightly. What she did is absolutely terrible.

I know it can be scary. And I am not pretending she’s a bad person. But this is not okay. It puts others in unknowing danger and that’s never okay.

Imagine this, with advancements in medication HIV is less transmissible and those who have it can live longer and healthier lives. It’s great! And those who have HIV should absolutely be able to Live a life without discrimination. But it’s not right to put others in danger. The ethical thing to do is to have a conversation before.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread