Woman explaining to her husband the intricate details of baseball

You didn't understand that what I'm calling disgusting IS "to be referred to as 'literally a pair of tits.'" That sort of transferal of commercial objectification to objectification of the individual themselves. To say that a woman is "literally a pair of tits" is to say that she has no value as a human being. That is fucking disgusting. It's not just degrading. It's fucking disgusting. There is no context to be seen. I don't see how the phrase, "she is literally only a pair of tits," can be taken as, "this company is exploiting sex to sell shit." Yes, obviously she was hired for her boobs. That's not the point. An actor is hired for their acting but we don't assume they aren't real people outside of being an actor. It's not like we assume actors all just shut off or deactivate their personalities when they aren't in front of a camera. And that's the exact same context we have with the Kate Upton scenario yet actors aren't reduced to their acting while Upton is reduced to her boobs. On the other hand, let's assume the comment was aimed at the company exploiting sex for profit. Let's examine how in two different scenarios, the Upton and the actor, this is responded to. Actor: Let's say through some legal miracle, a tobacco company was able to develop a tobacco-free product for kids that would be intended to lead them toward tobacco products by mimicking aspects of the taste while sweetening it--something similar to chew/dip. A well-known actor is hired to do a commercial aimed at kids yet attempting to appeal to the cool and sophistication factor. The response to this scenario is, "I can't believe that actor would do that commercial and participate in such unethical conduct. They're questionable in my book." In the Upton scenario, given your assertion that the comment was aimed as such, the reaction is, "literally a pair of tits." Sexism, as well as all forms of social hierarchicalization and otherizing, shows up in invisible ways to most and huge, blatant, and blaring ways once you know what you're looking for. This whole thing is pretty fucking sexist.

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