Woman freaks out over a golf cart showing anti Trump messages

Oh, I didn't realize you had hard evidence that he 100% actually sexually assaulted someone. Just saying that you have the power to do something is not proof that it happened. Without proof then yes, it is defamatory because it is then not a fact. Throwing around accusations of sexual assault with no evidence any ever happened is defamatory, that's why Vic Mignogna is currently suing people claiming they had seen, and I quote, "100+ cases of public sexual assault on young women over the past 20 years." No proof of anything, no witnesses came forward, no victims came forward. Only supportive fans. As a matter of fact, his accusers used pictures of him hugging fans saying it was sexual assault and that the girls in the photos were traumatized by it but in reality the people from the pictures came out saying it was all lies.

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