Woman gets kicked in the face after threatening someone with a box cutter in the hardware store, in front of Andy Warhol's ghost.

Ok since nobody else has said it... does anyone know or have context for this? It looks like the kicker moved into the bottom of the frame towards the box cutter at the same time. Is there any world where she was already in an altercation with that guy and grabbed this for self defense before he could get to her/get to the box cutter?

I'm always a little suspicious of videos like these - with zero context, cut to start mid-interaction, where "a woman gets what was coming to her" (you know, ppd type shit) I know the majority opinion in this thread is already "dumb bitch fucked around and found out" so I'll likely be downvoted for not immediately jumping on that... but if anyone knows the context that would be great.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it