Woman having trouble accepting she’s smashing into the wall. Asks Reddit for reassurance.

Let's assume that's true. So what? The purpose of the sub is in the name. She never asks the big question. She isn't leftovers. She isn't chasing Chad. She isn't bemoaning the fact she can't lock down a good guy now that she's had her fun. She isn't saying or doing any of the things that this sub is created to highlight.

I stand by what I said. Some like to treat this place as a "haha look wymyn is being dumb" catch-all. Yeah, she's getting older, her looks are fading, and she's panicking about her guy not being attracted to her and possibly cheating. Nothing wrong with that and in fact that's great news for the husband, much better than the inverse.

/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it