Woman reads fiction written by women, for women, relates to the characters written by women, and thinks this makes her a boy

Seeing my community get zero respect makes me feel like shit.

That's funny, I am a gay man and if I cared even a little bit, I would certainly consider women writing slash fanfiction extremely disrespectful in and of itself. It'd remind me of that odious sub that's nothing but women complaining about men who dare to write female characters, but unlike them, I refuse to make a big deal out of it (beyond this comment chain I guess).

If I cared, but I don't actually care at all. Well, besides the fact that it contributes to the stereotype of gay men being unable to have platonic relationships; it makes it exponentially harder for us to get friends. That's what makes women writing slash fanfiction all the worse: I don't care about the "fetishizing" and whatnot. But when women do it, they just screw the pooch for us and they of course aren't actually affected by the consequences.

Yeah, if it weren't for that, I'd just move on and ignore slash entirely. I usually do anyway, but this post is about that. If you want my advice: If you want to write about gay men, write original stories. New characters contribute less to the stereotype, since it doesn't have the baggage of "wanting every character to be gay", since it's not stepping on preexisting canon and thus, well, making every character gay.

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