Woman Sued For Texting During Movie Confronts Date, Returns Money

Suing someone for having a bad date is a sign of immaturity and probably crazy.

I don't know about that. It's an extreme measure, but I've been on enough dates with women who expected me to pay their entire way, and were rude, sullen, and completely ungracious. I don't expect a woman to have sex with me just because I paid for the date, but is it really too much to ask women to not be rude, inconsiderate assholes when you're treating them to a night out?

Because really, that seems to be where we are headed as a society, where a guy can't even expect a woman to make a minimal effort to be pleasant company.

There's got to be a line drawn somewhere. Women can't just act like men owe them entertainment with no expectation of anything, not even basic civility, in return. A society can't function like that. If women are going to expect men to pay for them, then their has to be a good faith effort on women's part to make dating worth men's time -- and again, not talking about sex, just talking about being present in the moment and not a rude, entitled asshole.

If a few women have to get taken to small claims court and sued over their complete and utter failure to act like a civilized human being on a date to stop this trend, then so be it. Women like this woman are threatening to ruin dating for everyone.

/r/movies Thread Parent Link - ew.com