Woman sues to remove 'So help me God' from oath of U.S. citizenship

Now you're introducing a situation that's completely different. You're talking about the categorization of specific people, whereas this is literally whether or not you want to say something.

The biggest thing about this whole argument that I've seen few people mention is that the meaning of "So help me God" can vary so much that it really doesn't matter whether you say it or not. Like, what God is being referred to? A Christian God? Pagan? Nordic?

I believe that it should remain. Considering it is optional, and not frowned upon to say an oath without it (seriously, have you ever seen anyone get upset for that?), I believe that this is an unnecessary suit and will be promptly shut down. "God" can represent whatever you want it to be in this context. If you're atheist, you can simply say it differently. It's extremely accommodating and offers freedom of and freedom from religion.

I understand what people are saying about having one default and the other not, but that again seems pointless.

If anything, a change I could see would be simply removing the process of asking someone whether they want to say "So help me God" or not. Basically, once that line comes up, you just say whichever you're content with. Social pressure always exists, but if this was the case, there would be no social pressure, as swapping between both would be the norm.

Anyway, I hope that this case is shut down. It seems over dramatic, and while I believe good points are being brought up, removing it altogether is silly.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - masslive.com