Woman wearing niqab refused entry to Victorian court

I'm not going to pretend I know the terminology of every word in our law system. So you may have to cut me some slack here. But, out of curiosity, would you apply those same rules to a person wearing a Niqab before a jury? Somebody that's committed a serious crime? Or would you consider that a violation of somebody's religion also?

The fact is that we as a civilised country - have rules. A part of assimilating into this country is adhering to these basic rules. if you can't to do something as simple as respecting our court of law and showing your face, then... you can't assimilate.

France has had this law in place since like 2010. It's not only banned in a court room, but anywhere in public (unless you're traveling too and from a place of worship) .. And something like 75% of the population supported the ban. Which as far as I'm concerned, is something we should adopt. Why should your religion affect anybody else living here?

/r/melbourne Thread Parent Link - sbs.com.au