As a woman, what would you have done in this situation?

Oh I read it, I've read that article before.

But that doesn't seem like that's what's going on here.

OP is insecure, that much is obvious, if you have a problem with your boyfriend looking at other women that's an insecurity. If I need to explain why that's an insecurity I'll do so, even though I really shouldn't have to.

There is definitely something going on here but it's very difficult to determine what is going on because OP has been pretty vague about a lot of details.

What people seem to do on this subreddit is blame the boyfriend all the time, maybe it's not the boyfriend who's the problem.

people don't seem to quite understand that there are individuals out there who believe that they're always being attacked and who are overly paranoid about things that make them insecure.

before we all go off 100% on the boyfriend saying that he's a bad person we should honestly be wanting his side of the story before judgment.

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