Woman who cleaned up Trump Hollywood star is “blown away by how much disrespect I got [and] how rude people were to me”

Then there is the fashion and cosmetic thing. For women. A woman doesn't have to accept mediocre looks. Quite apart from exercise, there is getting your teeth bonded, getting contacts instead of glasses, getting a nice color hair from the hairdresser, standing up straight, thinking about your body type and what clothes flatter it.

Then there is attitude. It ought to be obvious that crankiness does not get you much admiration. It ought to be obvious that most people would rather get cheered up and made to feel good than the opposite.

The proverb is old and widely known, that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Everbody, woman and man, ugly or pretty, has judged others on appearance. And on friendliness and up-beat-ness of manner. As we are all doing that, we can't complain it's done to us. So working with these forces of human nature is logical. You can't fight city hall. If people like better looking people, set to work looking better. It can be a slog for some, and cost money and time. But anybody can look quite good enough, if they put in the time and effort. And not just at the gym.

There are plenty of fit as heck, ripped, lonely, self-absorbed, miserable people. Fashion is more important, for women anyway, than the gym.

Who has not see the hard muscled lonely women running earnestly through the streets, blank eyed, alone, alone and obviously only interested in perfecting themselves, not in engaging anybody else?

Fitness can be narcissism.

Well, so can cosmetics and fashion.

A few stretches in the shower, some intelligent fashion moves, a positive attitude, and the ability to know what you want and don't want, are enough.

With all that, you can be a little fat, too. A merry laugh, sparkly teeth, and some good scent and cool clothes is just as valuable as flat abs and a sour attitude.

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