Woman who made false sex abuse allegations about her ex-partner is now barred from seeing her four-year-old daughter

Except the process for becoming a doctor is rigurous so while the 100p town has one doctor they need at least 5, so that doctor is overworked and extremely expensive so while the doctor makes good money thera are 80 people with no healthcare

And besides that I get what you are saying but most services are not needed on a per capita basis, how often does the average joe needs a graphic designer, or a cybersecurity engineer?

What matters is the people/bussinesses ratio, and when you have 500 people and only 1 small business you are going to have some trouble

Plus why women have to be the non-working population? Couldn't they be doctors while the men are housebands?

/r/pussypassdenied Thread Parent Link - dailymail.co.uk