This woman's attempt at making the police look violent.

The only reason she got charged was because it was a high profile case, and you know it.

The only reason she got charged was because it was caught on camera and was reported due to its high profile-ness, yes.

If any 2 Joe shmoes went to the police regarding the “assailant” tapping them on the head with a piece of paper, they would be rightfully laughed out of the station.

It wasn't a "tap." That makes it sound like she didn't intentionally hit her, however lightly.

It was a whack. She intentionally hit the woman on the head with some paper.

If someone had camera evidence of this, a regular joe hitting another regular joe because they are in a disagreement over something, that is 100% a crime, and would 100% be subject to a fine.

So yes, you are correct regarding this one, high profile case. However for the everyday man/woman, nobody would get arrested for this or even fined for a tap.

No one should ever be arrested over this.

Fined, though? Sure.

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