A woman's best route to the top 1 percent is to marry rich, research shows

I’ve been telling this to people who work for me for years (especially the clueless ones who can’t understand why they don’t make 500k a year): your value is based on scarcity and demand. You don’t just get a high salary for being a nice person or serving 20 years at the same company.

Be the person who invents the next big thing, or can consistently save the company millions, or master a skill set that is so necessary, critical and difficult to hire for in the outside world: that companies will reward you top dollar for that skillset so you don’t go to their competition.

I have met some amazingly smart and successful women who completely understand this and have built their fortunes through focus, sacrifice, and hard hard work. But, the vast majority either: do not fully understand what I just said, or, are not willing to make the 100% sacrifice to drive themselves to be one of those top people.

/r/MensRights Thread Link - cnbc.com