Women actually like emotional guys

Recently someone I know roke up with an emotionally intelligent guy who cried in front of her. Not because he cried, that made them closer. What happened in actuality was every single thing he cried over was a lie and none of it ever happened, but was instead an elaborate display to get her emotionally hooked. That same woman had thrown another exes actual emotional insecurities in his face as soon as they'd had an argument.

I think when a lot of people say they want an emotional man they're imagining a specific kind of emotional process that most men don't really go through(some do, obviously), but instead can often be faked by a specific kind of fuckboy. The actual vulnerable emotions expressed by an average man though? Forget it. You bri f up Bieber but Biebers emotional act was from day one part of a carefully crafted corporate facade to appeal to teenaged girls rather than an actual young mans real vulnerabilities. That shit is not gonna come our in a jazz club or art festical and I say that as a dude whos been to both. Having an artsy aesthetic is not nearly the same thing as emoting in a specific way.

The simple reality is the average man doesn't have a lot of great emotional outlets. They just are not socialized that way. I'll help my homies whenever but I'm also aware that isn't the norm. Its kind of unrealistic to expect men to be able to not only process their shit, but process it in a way women can handle, when theres zero social training for them to do so until the moment it happens.

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