Women are NOT loved unconditionally and we don't have the emotional support men think we have

From the NIMH:

In 2020, the suicide rate among males was 4 times higher (22.0 per 100,000) than among females (5.5 per 100,000).

Oh yeah, we're just loving all the emotional support we have over here.

I would argue that being a man must be better for you emotionally bc you are respected more no matter how you behave. Men are given more love by society and it must be nice to be a man as you can literally rape someone and still be seen as a victim of "provocative" women. Sigh!

Oh that's what I've been doing wrong. All this time I thought it was the total lack of empathy I find in others when all I need to do is rape someone and people will support me. God, what was I thinking?! /s

And before someone says "men are just more successful at suicide", yeah...let that sink in. It's so bad we don't take half measures lest we have to continue living.

You were watching a comedian and took it as a legitimate commentary on life. Grow up.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread