Women have better lives because they get sex easily... but getting sex as a woman means nothing?

Male. I was in a car accident. That was the only long sex drought I'd had in my life, 1.5 years, eventually leading me to finding Reddit and TRP. Forget getting cheated on, I couldn't even get a girlfriend. Before that I had never gone 4 months without sex in 13 years. I had women in my social group throwing themselves at me, and suddenly they disappeared... and came crawling back years later (fuck em).

I had no help with bills, cooking, rent, hygiene or physio. I had to pay for that shit and do it all myself. When I couldn't drive, I had to call Ubers. When I couldn't cook, I ordered premade meals or ate lazy shit. Then I got fat and lost a lot of muscle, so I had to work really hard to get back in shape later. No one skipped nights out to stay home with me. They just waited till I was able to join them again. Men don't get anywhere near the kind of help you did. Then there's the mental challenge as well: staying mentally tough and confident while getting abandoned and shit on. Eventually I got my life together again, but I had to do it all on my own.

I've had a few sports injuries over the years too. Similar story. As a tall big guy, you get no sympathy. Women are incapable of seeing you as a victim or feeling sorry for you. They assume you're tough and invincible, and you probably asked for it by getting into some dumb bar fight. Small men treat you the same. Only some other strong tough men really "get it" and lend support.

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